B2B Contact Discovery and Verification

Deliver the most relevant lists of B2B decision-makers

Don’t spend 33%+ of selling time manually researching data. Fuel stronger sales performance by building precise contact lists with fresh, accurate contacts that include verified emails, direct phones, and social URLs with a 100% data guarantee.

B2B Contact Discovery for Sales and Marketing

The most comprehensive coverage

Any target buyer persona, any geo, any company size or industry, and more direct-dials. DealSignal delivers.

Verified Data

Verified 97%+ accuracy

With freshly verified data you can confidently personalize your outreach and build pipeline faster.


No-hassle data quality guarantee

We strive for perfection, but if you ever find an inaccuracy, just let us know and we’ll credit your account. No runaround.

Discover decision-makers in your ABM target accounts

Missing key decision-makers and stakeholders in your ABM target accounts? Use personas to zero in on the most relevant buyers and get all the verified contact info you need to run highly-personalized, multichannel outreach.

More verified direct-dials than any provider

Nothing is worse than making 50+ calls per day and failing to reach most of the contacts due to inaccurate phone numbers in a stale, static contact database.

DealSignal provides corporate, direct, and mobile phones and verifies every number. With 97%+ accurate direct-dials and mobile phones, your sales team will connect more and book more meetings.

Run campaigns and cadences at scale with the highest quality data

DealSignal can deliver the targeted account and contact data you need to personalize your outreach, set more meetings, and drive pipeline.

Define your target account and persona criteria or upload an ABM list, and DealSignal runs on-demand processes to quickly build and verify your decision-maker list.

Easily sync to your sales platform

Seamless integration with Salesforce CRM or easy upload to the sales automation platform of your choice via CSV.
HubSpot Lead Enrichment

Unparalleled, AI-powered data quality

DealSignal isn’t a typical big, stale contact database like you’ve probably used before… you know, the ones that spit out obsolete contacts and bad phone numbers.

In head-to-head comparisons, DealSignal consistently delivers 97-100% accuracy and more comprehensive coverage than any other data platform. The secret sauce is our AI-powered multisourcing, triangulation and verification process.

100+ fields included with each record

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